I can live to be 1,000 and will never understand how Memorial Day is commemorated in the USA. According to the website Military.com “since the Revolutionary War ended 646,596 American troops have died in battle.” Many other sources give numbers higher than that, but let’s use that one for this article. Today is Memorial Day in the USA and the country is being asked to honor the memory of those 646,596 heroes. How is that done? Let’s check it out.

Best Buy is advertising unbelievable Memorial Day sales with ads that claim how you can “snag a refrigerator for as low as $700” – Snag a refrigerator and enjoy a cold beer? On the day you should be crying for dead soldiers?
While Best Buy is pushing fridges, Amazon is claiming that this Memorial Day, they are “slashing prices on outdoor grills” – Do you think that they chose a good word; “slashing prices” on the day that we remember soldiers… many of whom were indeed slashed by the enemy? And is buying a grill the best way to commemorate the day? To have a BBQ with the guys while families are mourning?
How many American troops were killed after they bravely parachuted into enemy territory? Based on this, I checked how the store, Parachute, plans on honoring their memory. Here’s what I found: Parachute is offering a “20% Memorial Day discount on robes and loungewear!” Seriously? Does that mean it’s perfectly acceptable to honor America’s heroes by wearing your new Parachute robe while eating hot dogs (very American) on your new Amazon grill and drinking Budweiser (also very American) thanks to your new Best Buy refrigerator?! Hey, with sales like that, it’s a shame Memorial Day is only once a year!
But I saved the best for last. No store is more American than Macy’s. These guys are the ones who sponsor the big Thanksgiving parade each year and are American as apple pie. How do the loyal patriots at Macy’s honor the 646,596 fallen soldiers? Well, if you order online – today only!! (only on Memorial Day) you can save 30% on Men’s underwear and, for the ladies; “It’s BOGO on select bra brands!” Now that’s patriotic!
This same attitude can be seen across the country with incredible Memorial Day packages available in Disneyland, Six Flags and hotels in Vegas.
Are you kidding me? That is how the USA remembers its fallen heroes… by saving money on underwear and some rides at Disney? This attitude cannot be blamed on President Biden or the leftist media. This problem exists as much with the lovers of Fox News, former President Trump and even those who memorize every word out of Ben Shapiro’s mouth (well, at least the ones you understand)
America has disgraced its soldiers for a long time. They don’t honor the dead and they certainly don’t honor the veterans. Many veterans find themselves unemployed and disrespected when they return from a tour of duty. These brave men and women risk their lives, are separated from their families yet find it very difficult adjusting to a regular life, with almost no support from the community. Let me state this loud and clear; A society that does not respect those who fight, protect, or educate its citizens will find itself searching for answers to many unanswered questions.
This is yet another reason for all Jews to come home. Israel is the Jewish country and one where we respect those who risk their lives so we can live ours in security and safety. We love our soldiers (well, most of us do…) and when asked to honor the memory of those who fell in battle we cry together as a Nation and don’t run to save 30% on underwear.
May the memory of all soldiers - who fought for the values we believe in – be remembered for good and may their families be blessed with peace, happiness, and good health.